Lexco® ensures you get the reliability and operational excellence that you need from your agricultural cable assemblies. Whether you’re a commercial farmer, agriculture specialist, or a home gardener, our assembly expertise and industry knowledge mean we’re able to work with you to find the ideal cable solution that helps your equipment keep going and your plants keep growing.
When it comes to agriculture, cable assemblies are used in various ways, from relatively simple fencing to highly advanced farming equipment. That’s why our cable specialists are always ready to help you find the precise cable and fittings to meet your requirements and exceed your expectations. Lexco® is committed to crafting cable assemblies that keep your operations running smoothly, from wire rope fencing for corralling livestock on the ranch, trough lines, feed lines, agricultural trellises, to entirely custom assemblies for the next generation of advanced agricultural equipment and everything in between.
Find an agricultural cable solution that stands out from the rest with Lexco® . Our cable assemblies are here to support you at every step with different designs, purposes, and operating requirements and assist you in making your agricultural operations profitable, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
Common Agricultural Components
Lexco® supplies a variety of agricultural cable assemblies and hardware. To discover more of our agricultural cable assembly components, contact us directly or visit our catalog.
Who We Work With
Lexco® fabricates agricultural cable assemblies that are ideal for everything from general-purpose applications to specialized and custom use cases. Among the partners and uses we are proud to support with agricultural cable assemblies are: